U9 - U19 Select Fall Soccer Program
Issaquah FC offers Select soccer from U9-U19 and provides an opportunity to develop and play at a higher level of soccer within the local community while maintaining a balance between school, family life, and other interests. Issaquah FC's Select program is also designed to help prepare athletes to play high school varsity soccer.
Here is more information on the difference between Select and Premier.
Please refer to our Age chart for age level based on birth year.
For questions about the select program and/or registration, please contact Kaylee at

In general, most teams are together from June/July through November/December; high school girl's teams take a break September and October and resume in November…there is anywhere from a 6 to 9 month commitment depending on the team. The Select season is longer than Rec and shorter than Premier. Select teams typically participate in 1-3 tournaments during the summer. The regular fall league season typically includes 10-12 games (depending on age) and runs from the weekend after Labor Day to mid-December for all teams except high school girls; their season runs from Nov to mid-March. All teams are encouraged to participate in the State Cup Tournaments (Dec-Feb for most teams) following the regular fall season.
Practices are held twice a week and last 1-½ hours each.
While the Select program is designed to support a well-rounded balance of school, family life, and other interests, players must make a commitment to their teammates and coaches. The Club expects that all players attempt to make every practice and game unless otherwise discussed with the head coach. Each player and their parents should plan on the player being available for multiple summer tournaments and practices. The parent commitment for Select is higher than Rec as well, with each team requiring a team manager, treasurer, and referee-in-pool.
All Issaquah FC Select coaches are volunteers and teams have the option of being trained by soccer Professionals. Issaquah FC Select coaches are required to meet minimum qualifications including years of playing, coaching and licensing. Issaquah FC will provide our coaches with educational resources and all coaches are encouraged to continue their education throughout their tenure.
All Issaquah FC Select players must tryout every year to remain with the team/program. Tryouts typically run for two 90-minute sessions. High-school-age boys generally have tryouts in late February, early March (BU16 and older) and early May for U10 through U16 (boys & girls) and GU17 through GU19. Tryout schedules and locations are subject to change. If you are interested in trying out, please check out our tryout page (info available in Feb). The registration fee for tryouts is $25. Please visit our tryout page for more information.
The team practices are taking place at various locations in Issaquah and Sammamish.
All Issaquah FC Select teams play in the NPSL (North Puget Sound League). Away games can be played anywhere in the greater North Puget Sound region. Home games will be played on a field within the Issaquah School District boundaries.
In addition to the Issaquah FC Fall registration fee, costs by team vary depending on the uniforms kit price (purchased separately), coach/trainer fees, the number of tournaments entered, team first aid kits, team events, parties, etc. Please consult the registration fee. Also, please consult the Select FAQ section for a more detailed breakdown on cost estimates.