Full refund within 7 days of registration without exception (minus all processing fees).
After 7 days, partial refunds are considered on a case-by-case basis for special circumstances.
A $25.00 administrative fee in addition to processing fees will be deducted from all refunds after 7 days.
Requests must be submitted in writing to Issaquah FC no later than June 15th, for U8 - U19 and July 31st for U6 & U7 (Micro).
U8-U19: After June 15th, no refunds will be available.
U5-U7: After July 31st, no refunds will be available.
Refunds will be made, without a deadline, for players who register and then subsequently can not be placed on a team by Issaquah FC; no administrative or processing fees will apply.
Refund requests must be submitted to: finance@Issaquahfc.org