Q: What is the Issaquah FC philosophy regarding Rec vs Premier focus for the club?
Although the Issaquah FC club offers a complete set of programming (all the way up to Premier through Eastside FC), Issaquah FC's focus is really all about Rec programming. For many years, other Issaquah soccer clubs have consistently acted primarily in the interest of the "Premier" program, rather than looking after the interests of all of its members, in particular the large, but largely ignored and under-served player population in its Rec program. EYSA is standing behind the new Issaquah FC to ensure Rec players and teams have a high quality, affordable option, not burdened with the expense and overhead of supporting a large paid coach program and professional adult soccer teams. The new Issaquah FC organization will get the club back to basics, and provide a pathway to Premier soccer through programming aligned with Eastside FC, which will be very embracing to any/all Issaquah kids who wish to try out.