EYSA Referee Assignors
Bellevue TBD
Issaquah Jenny Hepperle 425-395-6118 (Club) Jenny.IssaquahFC@gmail.com
Lake Hills Lisa Getzendaner 206-399-6406 LakeHillsRefs@hotmail.com
Mercer Island Ken Robertson 206-963-4662 MIReferees@gmail.com
Newport Brent Sytsma 425-227-8835 CoachBrent@comcast.net
Eastside FC Ken Robertson 206-963-4662 EFCReferees@gmail.com
Referees should contact an EYSA Referee Assignors (listed above) with any questions or issues they have with U8-U12 Recreational games. They should contact an EKCSRA Assignor with any questions or issues they have with Select, Premier or U13+ Rec games they have.
The EYSA Referee Assignors are also a resource anyone can use to address questions about rules of the game.
If there are any referee abuse issues, this contact needs to be made ASAP.